Breeder: James O'Neill
Owners: Randy & Mary Spangler, Mondovi, WI
Handler: Randy Spangler
Total Open Points 39.5
Total Amateur Points 22
Total Derby Points 1
Previous Nationals
NRC - 2019 & 2017
NARC - 2019 & 2017
Came to the line at 5:30 pm
RF - Through the end of the pond, up the hill. Crash establishes a hunt but keeps in the area within fall aroma and comes up with bird.
LF - He took the points and came out at a good spot. Up the hill for the bird.
RR - Excellent mark...Straight to the bird.
LR - Very good. Water to end, came out a little right. Crash went around the back of retired guns and back in front to the bird.