Breeder: Doreen Comrie-Bristol
Owner / Handler: Doreen Comrie-Bristol, Garrison, ND
Total Open Points 24.5
Total Amateur Points 33.5
Total Derby Points 4
Previous Nationals
NRC - 2020
NARC - 2019 & 2018
Starting dog in the 10th Series.
Came to the line at 1:15 pm
RF - Big splash into the pond lunging through the stick end of it to charge on to grab her bird.
RR - Off the end of the point and clipping the island, Ptar is through the pond. He climbs the hill for a tight hunt and has a quick recovery of the bird.
LF - Angling across the corner, then over the point, Ptar is on his way to another good job.
LR - Nice line across the pond. Ptar has a bit of a hunt on the end but comes up with his bird.