Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Callbacks to the 4th Series

80 dogs were called back: 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 48, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 86, 88, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 149, 150 and 153.

52 dogs dropped: 4, 8, 10, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 76, 81, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 95, 110, 114, 118, 123, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 138, 141, 144, 146, 147, 151 and 152.

Dog #153 will start the next series.

Test Dogs at 6:30 am with the first running dog at 7:00 am.

Have a great night and WORKERS enjoy the party!

Workers’ Party Tonight!

We hope to see you all at the Workers’ Party Tonight!

When: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Location: Barn Again Lodge, S683 Lovely Rd., Mondovi, WI 

3rd Series Recap

We received the callbacks and 132 dogs were called back. However, we were informed that dog #147 Ranger would no longer be running. So we started the series with 131 dogs.

The 3rd Series Water Triple with Two Retired and a Flyer with 132 dogs on Sunday, June 20. At 2:05 pm our first running dog #120 Gracie came to the line. Twelve dogs came to the with the last one being #133 Maimee ending around 4:00 pm when the judges called everybody in off the field due to weather. We waited it out for 30 minutes, until the judges called the day at 4:30 pm.

Day Two, Monday, June 21 started at 7:38 am with the first running dog #134 Smarty coming to the line. We brought 69 dogs up to the line throughout the day. We ended at 8:06 pm with dog #60 Oakley being the last to run. 

Day Three, Tuesday, June 22 started at 7:49 am with dog #61 Dagger.  We got the rest of the 50 dogs to the line and ended at 4:17 pm with Dog #118 Doc.

It took approximately 23 hours and 22 minutes to complete this series. With the 131 dogs brought to the line, that averages to about 10.7 minutes per dog.

So what happened in a nutshell during this series...

6 Gun Changes / Re-birds
4 No Bird / Re-runs
26 Handle
2 Double Handle
7 Pick Up
1 Break

Yes, I would say the judges have something to look at in this series.

Stay tuned and we will be back with the callbacks as soon as we get them!

That's a Wrap on the 3rd Series!!

The 3rd Series of the 2021 NARC Championship is in the BOOKS at 4:17 pm, and so is our day!

We will be back with a recap of the series and the Callbacks to the 4th Series. 

Handle - 118. MEADOW WOODS DOC HOLIDAY, "Doc" BLM, Tony Despenas

Flyer - Good Mark on the flyer

Short Right - Doc got to the right hand point and drove up the hill. Tony had to handle him to the bird.

Long Middle - He went up the hill and right of the gunners. Doc made a loop around to the left and on to the bird.

117. AFC ROBBER'S IRON LADY, "Maggie" BLF, Dan Hurst

Flyer - Good Mark

Short Right - Maggie took a great line right down the middle of the channel. She rounded the point and went straight to her bird. Excellent Mark

Long Middle - She took a perfect line thru the corner of the left piece of water, then drove up the hill. Maggie looped behind the gunners and went straight to her bird.

Great run for Maggie


116. TEMPY'S OLIVE JUICE, "Kala" BLF, Jake Fredericks

 Came to the line at 3:49 pm

Flyer - The flyer went over the backside of the hill. Kala hunted up and down the hill a few times and went over the back and got her bird.

Short Right - She swam to the left peninsula and jumped in the water behind it. Exiting on the land, she ran directly behind the bird and got it.

Long Middle - Kala ran the point then drove the hill along the tree line. Taking one loop by the holding blind, she came back to trees and got her bird.


Came to the line at 3:42 pm

Flyer - Has her bird.

Short Right - Hannah crossed the tip of the right point and back in the water to the bird.

Long Middle - Her initial line went along the backside of the flyers. Going up along the tree line, Hannah had her bird.

Announcement From Chief Marshal

Per Chief Marshal - The location of the next series is at Jack and Larraine Unbehaun's property. Please follow and comply with traffic signs.

114. QUEEN BEE OF AUTUMN RUN, "Buzz" BLF, Jamie Woodson

Flyer - Good Mark

Long Middle - Sent for the short right retired, Buzz entered the water and turned left towards the left and crossed the left peninsula. She went left across the road and began to hunt in the center of the field. Buzz made her way to the left side of the field and to the fall area of the long middle retired and grabbed the bird.

Short Right - Being resent, Buzz entered the water and swam down the channel then crossed the peninsula. She ran down and into the channel and got the short right retired bird.

113. FC-AFC LIL BIT'S TÊTE DE CUVÉE, "Bubbles" YLF, Victor Garcia

Came to the line at 3:21 pm

Flyer - Good Bird

Short Right - Landing on the right point, Bubbles crossed over and back in the water to get his bird.

Long Middle - She went straight up the hill and on her bird.

112. FC-AFC LITTLE MISS FREYA, "Freya" BLF, James Roberts

Came to the line at 3:15 pm

Flyer - Freya went straight to the bird.

Short Right - She swam to the right point, got on land and went back towards the cove and got the bird.

Long Middle - Freya ran the point then drove uphill along the tree line. She had brief hunt right toward the holding blind then went back to the tree line to get her bird.

A Blast from the Past …

 Can anyone guess who these dudes are?

Does this guy look familiar?

111. COSTA'S N. Z. WARRIOR, "Haka" BLM, Steve Costa

Flyer - Good Mark

Short Right - Haka took a great line down the center of the channel. He got out on the peninsula then went on the left side of the channel and swam across. He ran down the road right to the fall area and got the bird. Nice mark

Long Middle - He took a beautiful line catching the corner of the right hand point. Haka squared the water and drove all the way up the hill to the fall area. He came down to the woods a few yards and then right back up to the bird. Great Job


Came to the line at 2:55 pm

Flyer - Very Nice

Abby crossed the water then got out and in between both marks. She was picked up.

Handle - 109. AFC CAJUN NIGHTMARES ROUGAROUX, "Boo" BLF, Justin Williams

Came to the line at 2:46 pm

Flyer - Boo hunted up the flyer.

Short Right - She swam right of the point and got out in the corner and ran toward the road. She went over the road angling right. Justin had to handle Boo left, back to the water and on to her bird.

Long Middle - She ran out the tip of land and drove up along the tree line directly going to her bird. 

107. LJ'S TEXAS KING OF BLUES, "Ray" BLM, Mark Littlejohn

Came to the line at 2:30 pm

Flyer - Got his bird.

Short Right - Ray went across the water and and lands on the right point. He checked the end of the point then drives to the shoreline, turns left and he is on his bird.

Long Middle - Driving the far hill, Ray came up right of the gunners. He turned left to make a tight circle to enter the cover and grab his bird.

108. FC-AFC CONTRAILS SKY QUEEN, "Reina" BLF, David Opseth

Came to the line at 2:38 pm

Flyer - Reina pinned the flyer.

Short Right - Reina took a beautiful line down the channel and crossed the tip of the left side peninsula then continued across the water to grab her bird. Great clean mark, Excellent!

Long Middle - She entered the right had piece of water then squared across it and lined straight up to the bird. WOW

Three Excellent Marks. 

106. FC-AFC TAMARACK'S LONG RIDER, "Cole" BLM, David Furin

Came to the line at 2:20 pm

Flyer - Cole went deep of the flyer, taking one loop he got the bird.

Short Right - He swam to the right point and back into the water to the cove, then Cole got on land to reconnoiter then grabbed the bird.

Long Middle - He turned left to the tree line. Once out to the holding blind he went left to grab his bird. 


Flyer - Jack pinned this bird.

Short Right - Jack headed towards the left hand point and got on it then reentered the water. Exiting he got up on the road, and at the other end he past the bird, with a quick turn left he got it.

Long Middle - He drove out to the bird nicely with a small hunt right in the fall area between the guns and the bird. Good Job.


Came to the line at 2:03 pm

Flyer - Ryder had no issue with this flyer.

Short Right - Ryder went across the water to the end of the point. He made a couple of loops to check out some scent then went on down the point to the shoreline where he moved left and was on his bird.

Long Middle - Ryder went right up the slot and to his bird.


Came to the line at 1:55 pm

Flyer - Baby went straight to the bird.

Short Right - She swam to the right point, then ran around the land to curve left and get behind the cove. Getting back in the water, Baby went and got her bird.

Long Middle - She ran the point and drove up the hill on a laser line to the bird.

Re-Run - 94. AFC HOLLAND CLIFFS PLAY IT AGAIN, "Luke" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

 Came to the line at  1:48 am

Flyer - Quick grab on the flyer

Short Right - Luke swan to the right side of the channel to get to the point then he reentered. He went up to the road and with one quick turn left went straight to the bird.

Long Middle - Luke headed into the water on the right. He squared across for reentry turning slightly left. Luke turned towards the guns then turned right and ran to the road. Turning left he worked back and forth in the fall area several and got the bird.

Tuesday, June 22 - Mid Day Conditions

 We have sunny skies with a temp of 70 degrees. The wind is southwest at 4 mph. The visibility is still excellent on all guns and bird. The wind appears to have shifted to the south and is now coming straight towards us. The wind has apparently made it easier for the dogs to stay on the fall areas and come up with the bird. Work has drastically improved and we are seeing less tendency for wide and extended hunts.


The "SHADE BRIGADE" … they don't throw shade, they BRING IT! 

101. FC-AFC BRISTOL'S NORTH SLOPE PTARMIGAN, "Ptar" BLM, Doreen Comrie-Bristol

Came to the line at 1:34 pm

Flyer - Ptar worked the hillside and came up with the bird.

Short Right - He went down the channel and over the point to get his bird. - Nice Job

Middle Long - Ptar went past the flyer guns, then crossed the water and he drove the slot to the bird. Missing it, he went into a hunting pattern that took him wide right for a loop then he came back for the bird.

3rd Series - 3rd Day of Series - Gun Change

Our change came at 1:24 pm

What has today brought with our running dogs this far..
No Bird (1): 94 - still needs to do re-run
Handle (8): 69, 71, 73, 76, 83, 85, 89, 91
Double Handle (1): 92
Pick up (1): 66

We have 17 dogs left plus 1 re-run to come to the line for their chances to complete the 3rd Series Water Triple with Two Retired and a Flyer.


Came to the line at 1:17 pm

Flyer - Lola went straight to the fall area and on to her bird.

Short Right - She swam to the left peninsula then ran to the tip and went back into the water. She went up on the and got her bird bringing it back the way she came.

Long Middle - Lola ran to the tip of the land then drove the hill toward the holding blind. With three tight loops at the tree line Lola grabbed her bird.


Flyer - Nice Mark!

Short Right - Deacon took a beautiful line down the channel all the way to the point at the end. He turned left and had his bird. Great Mark!

Long Middle - Great line to the long bird. Deacon drove to the fall area and made four large loops around the gun station and got the bird after the good effort he put into it. Nice!


Fun Fact - Year of Birth of Entered Dogs

Below is the year of birth and how many of the entered dogs were born in that year.

A decade of dogs…

Year of Birth of Entered Dogs
2009 – 1

2010 – 7

2011 – 14

2012 – 20

2013 – 32

2014 – 19

2015 – 27

2016 – 19

2017 – 11

2018 – 3

98. AFC WINDY CITY'S LONE RANGER, "Ranger" BLM, Charlie Hines

Came to the line at 1:00 pm

Flyer - Good recovery!

Short Right - Ranger crossed the water and on the right point. Going down to the shore line and left to the bird.

Long Middle - Ranger went up the slot to the retired gun and he turned left to work out his bird.



Came to the line at 12:52 pm

Flyer - Virgil went straight to the bird.

Short Right - He swam to the right point. Getting on the land, he went back into the water and swam to the cove to get his bird.

Long Middle - Virgil swam all three waters the drove up the hill along the tree line and went directly to his bird at 12:59 pm - Good Job!

95. AFC RIVER'S EDGE SHOOTING STAR, "Hailey" BLF, Alex Abraham

Came to the line at 11:39 am

Flyer - A tight hunt on the flyer, Hailey started to go deep. She worked back and forth deep of the of the guns and over the hill.

Short Right - Hailey swam down the channel, crossed the point on the left hand edge and drove deeper to go back and get her bird. Nice Mark

Long Middle - She entered the right hand pond, the squared across it. She reentered and tunred left and started to drive the hill and got out long. She worked left into the woods and eventually made her way up to the fall area. She hunted in the field to the right side of the guns, then drove deep enough to get the bird.


No Bird - 94. AFC HOLLAND CLIFFS PLAY IT AGAIN, "Luke" BLM, Alvin Hatcher

 Luke and Alvin had a no bird. They will go back for a re-run


Came to the line at 12:27 pm

Flyer - Very good flyer.

Short Right - Nora crossed the pond then went up on the right side of the point and took it around to the bird.

Long Middle - Nora hunted short when arriving on the far shore. She worked her way up the hill to dig out her bird.


Double Handle - 92. FC-AFC WHITEWATER BAMS TASTE OF JUICE, "Zest" BLF, Sarah Love

Came to the line at 12:14 pm

Flyer - Zest had a small hunt, then she went up to get the bird.

Short Right - Zest swam left, then near the dead tree she hunted in and out of the water left to right. Sarah handled Zest to the cove and back to get the bird.

Long Middle - Zest quartered up the hill then start to quarter down it. She was handled back up the hill to get her bird. 

Handled - 91. FC LOCK FIVE'S TANGLED UP IN BLUE, "Tango" BLF, Mark Medford

Came to the line at 12:04 pm

Flyer - Great mark

Short Right - Tango drove straight to the right hand point. She reentered the water, crossed and got deep. Tango started to come, but then got deep again, that is when Mark elected to handle.

Long Middle - Tango entered the left corner of the pond. She drove right to the fall area then went left of the guns. She came back to the fall area, made three quick loops and recovered the blind.

Handle - 89. FC-AFC ABBY'S PHYSICIAN OF ANTIOCH, "Luke" BLM, Dan Hurst

Flyer - Easy recovery

Long Middle - Luke crossed the first water then squared across the point. He arrived in the middle area then drove the hillside to go left towards the right gun. He got into the area but missed the bird and was handled by Dan back to the area for the bird.

Short Right - He crossed the pond to the point then ran down the point to the edge of the pond. Luke turned left and went into get the bird.

88. FC-AFC BAYPOINT'S DON'T STOP BELIEVIN', "Journey" BLF, Jeffrey Schuett

Came to the line at 11:42 am

Flyer - Straight to the bird.

Short Right - Journey swam the channel then crossed the left peninsula to the cove. Missing the bird upwind, Journey had a tight loop to get back on it.

Long Middle - She swam all three pieces of the water, then drove up the h ill. Getting high & right, she turned to the tree line to come back down for her bird.


Came to the line at 11:35 am

Flyer - Pinned It

Short Right - Betty drove slightly right leaving the line to slide down the right side of the right point. She crossed over the elbow of the point and into the water, then turned right briefly on the road. Betty circled back left and with two passes she grabbed her bird. Good Job

Long Middle - She crossed the water and drove the hill all the way to the area of the fall and had a small pass behind the gun. Betty went back to the area and got the bird.

Handle - 85. FC-AFC JORJA'S TARBABY TEMPEST, "Tempy" BLF, Jake Fredericks

Came to the line at 11:22 am

Flyer - A couple of loops and Tempy was on the bird.

Long Middle - Her initial line squared the water and she crossed the pond landing in middle of the field. Tempy drove the hillside and worked left with continuing circles until she grabbed the middle long bird.

Short Right - A good initial line swimming down the channel, Tempy goes over the point missing the bird and continued on. Out of the pond, she drove the hillside and established a hunt pattern. Jake had to handle her to the bird.


84. AFC BAYOU TECHE PAINT THE BLACK, "Madduxx" BLM, Jamie Woodson

Came to the line at 11:13 am

Flyer - Madduxx went straight to the bird.

Short Right - Maddux swam the channel to the end then went across to the cove and got his bird.

Long Middle - He ran to the tip of the land, then angled out and ran parallel to the tree line. A check down short, Madduxx hunted to pockets in the tree line. He worked up to the holding blind, then with a short hunt he went left to get the bird in the mowed grass.


Handle - 83. FC-AFC JET BLACK'S SUPERSONIC BOOM, "Sonic" BLM, Judy Powers

Came to the line 11:03 am

Flyer - Pinned It - Nice

Middle Long - Sonic went up the slot and headed back of the guns for a small hunt. He went to the fall area and grabbed the bird.

Short Right - Sonic went wide across the big water to the right. With a quick left handle by Judy, as soon as Sonic left the water was on his bird.

82. AFC LUCYANA'S SWEET WILLIE BE, "Willoughby" BLM, Laura Parrott

Came to  the line at 10:52 am

Flyer - Straight to the bird and back with a wing flopping.

Short Right - Willoughby swam to the right point, curled around on the land then went directly to the cove and his bird.

Long Middle - He ran to the tip of the point then across and went up the hill to the area of the fall. With a quick loop at the holding blind he went back to the tree line and on his bird.


 Came to the line at 10:42 am

Flyer - Very Good.

Short Right - Croc went down the channel, crossed left of the point and continued on to the far shore then went up the hill. He came back down to the bird.

Long Middle - Quartering up the hill, Croc moves to the bird.


Came to the line at 10:25 am

Flyer - Pinned the flyer.

Short Right - Torq drove into the water going slightly left, then turned left towards the left point. He ran up and down the point and continued back to the pond. Torq ran right down the road to grab his bird quickly.

Long Middle - A perfect line towards the left piece of water. Torq squared across and drove up the hill. With a tiny loop to the back of the guns, he went straight to the bird. Good Mark, very nicely done.


Let's Make A Deal!


Lucky Lab Pins and Brenda "Monty Hall" Neil is leaving tomorrow. She let us know that she is making deals on all remaining National Amateur merchandise. Go see her in her tent and "make a deal!"


Came to the line at 10:16 am

Flyer - Deets went straight to the bird.

Short Right - He swam the channel straight to the bird.

Long Middle - Deets swam all three waters, then exited and angled up to the tree line and directly to the bird. Good job!


Came to the line at 10:08 am

Flyer - Good Bird.

Short Right - Just had a great line down the channel to the bird. She just missed it but quickly back in to get it.

Long Middle - Perfect initial line right up to the bird.

Handle - 76. FC TRULINE'S FIRE IN THE HOLE, "Fire" BLF, Andy Kahn

Came to the line at 9:55 am

Flyer - Fire hunted deep and then left. Getting deep she turned to the right and came in to the flyer.

Short Right - Fire drove hard right on the line and headed across the big water to the right of the point. She swam all the way to the far side. Andy stopped her as she exited the water and with a good handle, he handled her immediately to the bird.

Long Middle - Fire took a beautiful line thru the water slightly left all the way to the fall area. With a quick tight hunt in the area, Fire found her bird. Great Mark.


Came to the line at 9:48 am

Flyer - A short hunt and Rufus had his bird.

Short Right - Rufus swam right to the point near the willow. With a short hunt he went back into the water, over to the cove and on to his bird.

Long Middle - Swimming all three pieces of water, Rufus climbed the hill and cut right in front of the holding blind then left to the tree line where he got his bird.

Thank you for our Tent!


Thank you to Avery Sporting Dog for our Retriever News Tent!

You have our backs and we couldn't do it with out your support!!

Handle - 73. AFC HUNTLEIGH'S IRON WORKS, "Steeler" BLM, Bruce Ahlers

Came to the line at 9:37 am

Flyer - Steeler went out and brought back his flyer.

Short Right - Steeler swam down the channel and got to the far shore, then drove the hill. With a whistle from Bruce, Steeler was brought back to the bird.

Long Middle - Nice job up the hill and on his bird.


Came to the line at 9:30 am

Flyer - Ella went straight to this long flyer and got it.

Short Right - She entered the water and swam to the right side point, got out then ran the end of the point, turned left and went straight to the bird. Nice Mark Ella.

Long Middle - Ella took a perfect line into the corner of the left piece of water and drove a straight line all the way to the hidden guns. She made a very small loop to the back side of the guns and straight to her bird. Very nice work!

Handle - 71. FC-AFC COLONIAL'S HUBBA BUBBA, "Bo" BLM, Michael Coutu

Came to the line at 9:14 am

Flyer - With one tight loop Bo got his bird.

Short Right - Bo swam the thru the big water to the right, then went up the hill. Michael handled Bo to bring him down the hill to the bird.

Long Middle - Bo swam all three pieces of water then drove up the hill and went right of the mound. Veering right, he turned left to the tree line then worked slightly downhill and got the bird at 9:25 am.

70. BAYOU TECHE PERFECT GAME, "Koufaxx" BLM, Lauren Hays

Came to the line at 9:02 am

Flyer - Koufaxx took multiple passes before finding his bird.

Short Right - He went across the water then checked a couple of areas on the point. Koufaxx then drove down to the far shore and made a couple of loops further right. He came in to pull out his bird.

Long Middle - Nice line across the water and up to get his bird.

Handle - 69. FC-AFC JOY COMES WITH THE MORNING, "Joy" BLF, Bobby Smith

Flyer - Joy pinned this flyer quickly.

Short Right - She got in the water and out at the point, then ran down the left point and drove deep way up into the field hunting deep and popped. Bobby gave a "come in" whistle and proceeded to handle joy to the bird.

Long Middle - Joy drove into the left piece of water and up to the area of the fall. With a small hunt in the area she got her bird. - Good Mark.


Came to the line at 8:37 am

Flyer - Straight to the bird.

Short Right - Riot swam to the right point, then ran the land and got back into the right hand water. He continued right up the hill then hunted into the field until her worked his was down left to the water and onto the bird.

Long Middle - Riot ran to the end of the point on a good line uphill and directly to the bird.


Came to the line at 8:28 am

Flyer - Quick work on this flyer.

Short Right - Dozer had a nice line to the bird thru the water. He must have just missed it and went to the shore where he did a couple of circles and went right back into the area and snatched the bird.

Long Middle - He crossed the pond then went on the line to follow the tree line to his bird.


Pick Up - 66. FC-AFC SKYWATCH SHERIFF, "Sheriff" BLM, Ray Vreeland

Flyer - Very short hunt slightly deep, but Sheriff got the bird.

Short Right - He entered the channel and swam to the right hand point. He worked the road then turned left. Sheriff came back in and got his bird.

Long Middle - He entered the right hand piece of water and drove right. Entering the second larger piece of water, Sheriff continued to swim right. He exited the water and drove all the way to the top of the hill. Sheriff ended getting picked up.

65. FC-AFC CHICAGO BLUES STAR, "Scrapper" BLM, Kathy Vignos

Came to the line at 8:08 am

Flyer - With a couple of turns Scrapper had the bird.

Short Right - Scrapper swam right to the point and with one turn he hunted up and down the shore then into the cove to get the bird.

Long Middle - He ran to the end of the point, then climbed up the hill to the left of the trees. With a couple of tight loops between the tree line and holding blind Scrapper got the bird.

64. AFC MY ROCK'S HE KNOWS MY NAME, "Chosen" BLM, Pamela Wilson

Came to the line at 7:57 am

Flyer - Very Good.

Short Right - Chosen went down the channel and directly to the bird. Well Done!

Long Middle - He went across the water and up the hill following the tree line. With a couple of passes in the area, Chosen has isolated his bird!