10/2/2014 - NAFC-FC Mulligan Off The Rainy "T" ex Long Crossing Sky's Making The Grade
Breeders: Mary & Sergio CastineyraOwners: Joseph & Cathy Couey, Bloomer, WI
Handler: Joseph Couey
Total Open Points 11.5
Total Amateur Points 25
Total Derby Points 10
Total Amateur Points 25
Total Derby Points 10
Previous Nationals
NRC - 2020 (F)
NARC - 2019
Came to the line at 4:18 pm
RF - Very Good!
LF - Bullet had a good initial line. He faded slightly right and hit the shore running up behind the gunners. He still dropped down quickly to get his bird.
RR - Swimming along the right side of the first point, Bullet corrects in the water and takes the corner of water. He drives the hill and has his bird.
LR - He crosses through the water taking the second piece and continuing. Bullet got to the far shore at a good exit point. Out but started a hunt pattern that took him right, then back into the water and deep. He worked it out and recovered his bird.