Sunday, June 27, 2021

Handle - 55. FC-AFC TUCKED AWAY AT RIVER'S EDGE, "Tucker" BLM, Alex Abraham

4/7/2011 - FC-AFC Nubian V ex Twin Pine's Crank Her Up MH
Breeder: Elissa Kirkegard
Owner / Handler: Alex Abraham, Havre de Grace, MD

Total Open Points    87.5
Total Amateur Points    132.5
Total Derby Points    30

Previous Nationals
NRC - 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016
NARC - 2019(F), 2018, 2017, 2016 & 2015

Came to the line at 3:25 pm

RF - Tucker went across the pond and up the hill. He turned right into the area of the fall and worked his way down to get his bird.

LF - He swam past the second point then angled toward the guns. He hunted the shoreline left and right, moved back toward the guns and got his bird.

RR - Tucker swam the pond, exiting, he got out behind the holding blind. Making some loops he started to hunt in front of the guns then to the bird.

LR - Tucker was in the pond but exited before the third finger of land. He was handled to the bird.