5/5/2012 - NAFC-FC Texas Troubador ex FC Hardscrabbles Captain Morgan
Breeder: Gregory Cross
Owner / Handler: Yvonne Hays, Pavo, GA
Total Open Points 29
Total Amateur Points 47
Total Derby Points 19
Total Amateur Points 47
Total Derby Points 19
Previous Nationals..
NRC - 2019
NARC - 2019 & 2017
Came to the line at 3:55 pm
RF - Be ran shoreline right around the pond. She went uphill in front of the guns turned right and directly to her bird.
LF - She angled the pond then went uphill behind the guns. She curved directly to the bird.
RR - Be ran to the tip of the and into the water. Exiting she went uphill on right line to the bush. She adjusted left and stepped on the bird.
LR - Entering the water after the first finger, Be angled across the pond then angled up the hill towards the group of trees and had to be handled to the right and back down for her bird.