Breeder: Erin Willard
Owner: David & Virginia Furin, Hibbing, MN
Handler: David Furin
Total Open Points 14
Total Amateur Points 24.5
Total Derby Points 1
Total Amateur Points 24.5
Total Derby Points 1
Previous National
NARC - 2019
In this national, Cole received a No Bird / Re-run in the 6th.
Came to the line at 1:58 pm
RF - Cole went through the pond and up the hill for his bird.
LF - Across the point and cutting the corner of the water, Cole climbed the hill to a good mark on his flyer.
RR - Cole comes off the point to the left that sets him up to arrive in the area left of the guns. he hunts deep and left, then a loop low and right to work out his bird.
LR - Cole took the water all the way and came up and a little left but he got his bird.