Friday, June 25, 2021

7th Series - Zeus, LM Test Dog

Pedretti’s Zeus , “Zeus,” LM
Owner/Handler: Bobby Raasch, La Crosse, WI
Came to the line at 6:23 am
Flyer - Zeus went down the grassy hill and swam the five fingers of water. He hunted behind to the right and deep. 
Middle - He took a line left of the flyer and went over the island, then popped halfway to the guns. He was handled and got into the crescent of the pond behind the guns. Heading to the shore, he was high on the hill and behind the guns. Zeus was handled and the guns stepped out to get him on the bird.
Right - Zeus was attracted to the flyer station. The handler re called the dog and the judges asked the guns to step out. The guns retired and Zeus was sent again. Zeus swam the 1st and 2nd water and got his bird in high cover under the tree.  
Left the line at 6:43 am