Friday, June 25, 2021

7th Series - Annie, LF - Test Dog

Lock Five’s Polk Salad Annie, “Annie,” LF 
Owners: Randy and Mary Spangler, Mondovi, WI
Handler: Mary Spangler
Came to the line at 6:45 am
Flyer - The dog swam through the first finger of  water then into the larger water to the right. Annie's started lining at the guns. Squaring out of the water takes her right the guns. Getting close to the middle retired, Annie swings left to  get the bird.
Middle - Good initial line to the holding blind. Annie veered right into the right pond. She was handled left to the bird.
Right - Annie got into the water before the point. Good line into the second water. She cut hard right then curved left to get the bird. 
Ended at 6:58 am