Friday, June 25, 2021

112. FC-AFC LITTLE MISS FREYA, "Freya" BLF, James Roberts

Total Open Points         24.00
Total Amateur Points    24.00
Total Derby Points         3.00

7:13 am

Flyer - Freya took a straight line through the three pieces of water and came up behind the fliers guns. She quickly turned left and got her bird.

Middle - She entered the water and went left of the clump of trees. Getting behind the guns, she looped left around the last piece of water and came back into the fall area to retrieve her bird.

Right - Freya ran down to the tip of the point. She squared across the water and missed the second piece of it. Then she went to the left and kept going that way. Freya turned towards the guns, hunted below them, then cut left through the trees and got her bird.