Friday, June 25, 2021

113. FC-AFC LIL BIT'S TÊTE DE CUVÉE, "Bubbles" YLF, Victor Garcia

Total Open Points    31.5
Total Amateur Points    49.5
Total Derby Points    5.0

7:25 am - wind coming in from the left.

Flyer - Bubbles entered the water on a good initial line to the bird. She took the tip of the island, looped in front of the gun. With another loop she got the bird that sat almost at the tip of the peninsula. 

Middle - She entered the water on another good line to the bird. Bubbles squared out of the water which influenced the dog right past the holing blind.. She looped left then right and was on her bird.

Right - She ran to the tip of the land, then went left into the second water. Running left uphill, she eventually turned right back to the area of the fall and with a hunt down and back up she got the bird.