Thursday, June 24, 2021

6th Series - Test Dogs #1

Lock Five’s Polk Salad Annie, “Annie,” LF 
Owners: Randy and Mary Spangler, Mondovi, WI
Handler: Mary Spangler

6:39 am

Flyer - Annie drove the hill going through half of the cover line then getting behind the guns all the way up the hill. She came back down to only turn and start heading back up again. Mary had to handle her down to the plane of the gunners. Annie went up to the area of the fall, then on to the bird.

Middle - Good initial line toward the holding blind, then Annie went directly over to get her bird.

Left - She angled down hill and navigated the hay bales and the small patch of trees. Annie carried her ling up the back hill and into the heavier cover and with one short loop she got her bird..

Annie returned with her bird at 6:48 am - 9 minute test 

**We had a short break as the judges decided to move the flyer station a bit closer to the line. The flyer station now sits approximately 150 yards and is shot right into the heavy cover.**

Mary rolled out of bed and came straight to the line!!