Thursday, June 24, 2021

113. FC-AFC LIL BIT'S TÊTE DE CUVÉE, "Bubbles" YLF, Victor Garcia

NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ex NAFC-FC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn
Breeder: William Benson
Owner: Victor Garcia, Durham, NC

11:08 am

Flyer - A tough flyer, Bubbles ran a tight to the guns then up to the cover getting stuck in a single spot, but she finally worked it out and got her bird.

Middle - Bubbles ran a line directly at the bird, going over the hill but came back immediately with the bird.

Left - With a laser line at the bird, Bubbles turned right uphill and once in the cover, she got behind the holding blind, then went directly to the bird.