Monday, June 21, 2021

3rd Series - Day 2 - Test Dog

Pedretti’s Zeus , “Zeus,” LM
Owner/Handler: Bobby Raasch, La Crosse, WI
The judges instructed the guns on the Short Right Retired "get it (the bird) into the water in the cover." 

Zeus came to the line at 7:07 am

Flyer - Zeus went directly to the bird.

Short Right - (7:08 am) Zeus went into the water in line with the tip of the right point. He was handled back into the water and swam the channel then hunted the land on the right side. He then hunted around the point and was handled back to get the bird.

Long Middle - (7:15 am) He swam all three pieces of water. His line uphill was angling left. He went around the back of the bush to the treeline and got the bird at 7:17 am. 

The judges called out "Line em UP!" at 7:18 am.